Leicester City F. C. Messrs Gibbins & H. R. Williams accepted
the ? extended to attend the Dinner on May 9th
at Leicester, if possible.
Directors to meet Noted that Messrs Lake & Coffey hoped to
3rd Lanark act as hosts on Saty. next, at the luncheon at Xchange
Directors to Following expressed their intention of being
London A. G. M's present in London from May 28 to 30:-
174 Dr. Baxter, Messrs Green, Gibbins, Searle & Lake
Professional Tennis Letter read from Slazengers, Ltd., re
proposed matches at Goodison in July, with Kramer,
Pails, Riggs, Segura & Perry in the party. Agreed
that further details be requested re terms &c.
F. L. Provident Mr. Lake detailed his computation
Scheme of figures suggested for this scheme. Our representatives
172 in London to be guided by this information, and
the views of other Clubs.
Transfers of Shares Following transfers were approved:-
Shares 1733-1742 & 729-733 from R. E. Searle to Theo. Roberts.
do 301-305, 1208-1210, 1341 }
1646-1648 & 1699-1701 } do to Bryn Jones
do 197-198, 347-351, 1007-1009 } do to M. J. Riley.
1068-1071 & 1731-1732 }
do 151-160 & 1405-1409 do to D. W. H. Galbraith.
do 1410-1414, 1777-1779 & 1835-1841 do to H. R. Foxall.
do 924, 925, 930-935, 943-945 }
995-997 & 1074 } do to F. De Longa
do 1936 to 1950 do to B. S. Hackney
do 1921 to 1935 do to P. B. Hibbert
do 1891 to 1905 do to M. K. McDonnell.
do 1906 to 1920 do to D. H. Hutbard.
do 225 to 227, 1114-1117, 1168-1170}
2207, 2232, 2413,2453,& 2457 } do to John Moores
do 1305, 1279-1287, 1774-1776}
& 2077-2078 } do to K. M. Duggan