175 [Meeting held at Xchange Hotel, Liverpool, Tuesday, Apl. 26, 1949] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair) & all other Directors, excepting Mr. W. R. Williams (in disposed) Manager & Secy. in attendance. Minutes of meeting of Apl. 20th were read & Confirmed. Finance Receipt was reported from:- Huddersfield Town F. C. % £195.13.10 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise Tax £288.0.3 Lancashire F. A. Amateur Cup Final £127.15.10 Theo. Kelly Salary £88.9.0 J. W. Dickinson do £37.10.4 E. F. C. (Income Tax a/c) P. A. Y. E. £40.14.0 Theo. Kelly Wages & Xes. £500.0.0 Bank Balance £626.13.11 Dr. Managers Report After a report of the 1st terepam & orts by Messrs Gibbins & Lake of the reserve match, the condition of Wainwright & Fielding was referred to. It seemed likely that the team would be unchanged. Regarding a tour, it was agreed that the 166 offer from Holland be disregarded, but that every attempt be made to fix 5 or 6 games in Eire. Mr. E. Green's Report Mr. Green thought of the players he had seen, that Fitzsimons was the best. He was lively & 122 young, but not big. Mr. Searle's Report Mr. Searle recommended the acquisition of Carroll (C. F.) of Shelbourne, & also gave a very good report of O'Byrne (L. B.) who was 5' 11", 12st & 20 years old.