173 early in the game, & played at O. R. in 2nd half. He seemed a good clubmen. Stane, I. R., 5' 10" had a good reputation. He was 23 & not robust. The injury to Selkirk with the switching of positions, did not give a fair chance to judge the player in his proper place. Ardron who was 28, had not been good. Mr. Green recommended that Mr. Britton should see the Rotherham team, when possible. Bell (Oldham) Secy. thought this R. B. was a highly 164 promising player of 21, but could not recommend Tomlinson (O. R.) or Smith (O. R.) of Bradford. 164 169 Managers Report Mr. Britton reported upon the matches played & upon Catterick, Higgins & Stevenson. He had watched Aldershot Norwich & preferred goalkeeper Nethercock (Norwich) to Reynolds 138 of Aldershot. Also he had arranged for the team to go to Harrogate prior to the Huddersfield match. Wigan Athletic had asked for S. J. Bentham, as player manager.(Decision left 106 to Mr. Britton.) Noted that W. Boyes had now 106 opened a sports shop in the Sheffield area. The Oswestry F. C. wanted G. Jackson's services. An appeal from Gwladys Sr. Schools for kit, was passed to the Sub-Committee. Lancs. F. A. Council Agreed that Mr. E. W. Raynor be 32 nominated by us for Division 5, of the Council. J. Fare Every thing possible having been done to show our respect at the passing of this ex-servant of the Club, it was agreed that the pension prev- iously paid to him, should be paid to his widow