
		Derby for London.

			Wainwright, Catterick, Corr & Juliussen were
		doubtful for the week end, but still might be possibly fit.

			McCormick was not yet training.

			Regarding the selection by Eirc F. A. of
		certain of our players for International matches,
		he was given full authority to act upon his judgment,
		regarding their release.

			He felt that 2 matches in Belgium &
		one in Paris would be a good scheme. Farleny that,
		Eirc should be considered & that the Hungarion
		offer should be questionable.

Director to Leeds	Mr. W. C. Gibbins.

L. C. F. A. Youths	Messrs Gibbins, Searle & Lake expressed
	0	their intention to attend the dinner on May 1st.

Transfer of Shares	Following was approved:-
		Shares Nod 2188, 1071 & 1067 from Xise F. A. Bushell
		to L. B. Bushell.

Shrewsbury School	Letter to Chairman was referred to
	0	Sub-Committee for consideration.

Next Meeting		Wednesday, Apl. 20, at 4 pm.

					Confirmed as Correct
						Cecil S. Baxter