170 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday, Apl. 12, 1949] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair) & all other Directors, Manager & Secy. in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of April 5th were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Charlton Athletic F. C. Share Gate £290.10.2 Sheffield Utd. F. C. do £303.1.6 Cheques were signed for:- Waldorf Hotel £73.0.7 Theo. Kelly Wages & Xes £650.0.0 Bank Balance £3651.8.6 Dr. Army F. A. Dr. Baxter & Secy. reported upon their 83 visit to the match at Tottenham v Belgium Army, where in Johnstone (Hibs); Jamieson (Coventry) & McPhail (Clyde) had played well-the I. F.'s. The visit had proved more than ever, how much the Army valued our past & present assistance. England v Scotland Messrs Green, Gibbins & Searle reported 5 upon this match at Wembley. Davies (Chester) Mr. W. R. Williams reported that this winger 165 was worth keeping in mind. He was about 5' 7½" & 10½ st. He had also seen Shrewsbury play Grimsby Town Res. but saw especially to recommend Phillips (C. F.); Alchurck (I. R.) or Holland (L. H.). Mr. H. R. Williams Unofficially this Director reported that he thought Lee of Leicester was seen on a poor day; Froggatt was the best 128 Sheffield Wedy. forward; & that Revie of Leicester was very good. Managers Report Mr. C. S. Britton reported upon the 1st team-supplemented by Mr. Lake's report of the Reserves-& reported the possibility of Steel leaving.