164 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool, March 15, 1949] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair) & all other Directors, Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of 8th inst., were read & confirmed. Finance Cheques were signed for:- Commrs. Inland Revenue P. A. Y. E. £343.3.0 L'pool District Queen Victoria Nursing Assocn. Mobile Therapy Unit £25.0.0 Theo. Kelly Wages & Xes £500.0.0 Bank Balance £6062.2.11 Dr. Casey (Bangor) Mr. Green reported this L. H. to be Ireland about 18 & 5' 8'. Whilst he was novice type & not so good as Lawler, he was a tireless player & might be worth Mr. Britton's attention. Chester v Oldham Mr. W. R. Williams gave very good reports of Bell & Tomlinson of Oldham, but was very impressed with Davies, O. R. of Chester, who was 21. He thought Spoodle was a quiet thoughtful style of H. B. who would be on the young side, no more than 21. Stockport v Wrexham Mr. R. E. Searle gave very good reports of Wilmot (C. H.) & Staniforth (R. B.), but was not interested in Spruce 161 nor Barker (O. R.) Managers Report Mr. Britton reported his views of the players at Derby. He said that Stockport were not prepared to part with Wilmot but would let Staniforth go. In his opinion, the figure of £15,000 was too much, & even £12,500 was more than he would recommend paying.