
		that West Bromwich Albion were interested in Grant
		& that his good scoring average was fairly good.

Manager's Report	McIntosh. Confirmation was given to the
		signing of this player at £5,500.
			He reported the doubts of Higgins, Corr
		& McIlhatton & also that Greenock, Morton might
		have an interest in Julenissen's future.
			With regard to a proposed tour, he felt
		that we should travel in Brazil only, with
		5 games in Rio de Janeiro, & 3 games outside
		the Capital.

Foreign Tour		The following Directors expressed
		their wish to make a tour of Brazil:-
			Dr. C. S. Baxter, Messrs Searle, Sharp, Lake,
		W. R. & H. R. Williams.
			It was understood that Mr. Green who
		was absent, would be able to travel.

Directors Away		To Derby:- (Friday) Mr. N. W. Coffey.
				   (Saturday) Dr. Baxter - Major Sharp.
			To England v Scotland Apl. 9:-
			Messrs Gibbins, Searle & Sharp with Mr.
		Green if willing & able to go.
			To Cup Final, Apl. 30:-
			Dr. Baxter, Messrs Searle, Sharp & Coffey, with
		Mr. Green, if willing & able to go.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, March 15, at 4 pm.

						Confirmed as Correct
						Cecil S. Baxter