162 [Meeting held Tuesday, March 8, 1949, at Xchange Hotel, Liverpool] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair), Messrs W. C. Gibbins, W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle C. C., J. C. Sharp, Major R. A. O. C., H. R. Williams, W. W. Coffey, with Manager & Secretary. Absent:- W. E. Green (on Club business) & Mr. F. W. Lake, (indisposed). Minutes of Meeting of 1st inst. were read & confirmed, & also of Finance matters dealt with on 4th., inst. Finance Reported was:- Gate v Blackpool £1978.15.3 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise Tax £162.3.9 Football League 1% £16.15.6 L'pool City Police Services £52.17.6 Blackpool F. C. Share Gate £250.13.10 do Transfer Fee McIntosh £5,500.0.0 Tommy Handley Fund Publicity £25.0.0 C. S. Britton Salary £121.8.4 do P. A. Y. E. (Income Tax a/c) £45.5.0 Bank Balance £5507.2.11 Dr. Sub-Committee The report as presented by Mr. W. R. Williams, Report 152 was adopted. (Copy of same attached.) Arising. Offer of £1600 for 122, Aintree Rd. house was thought by Mr. Williams to be too high a figure in view of our needs. This was accepted as a decision by the Board. McLean (Wolves) Mr. Britton reported that Mr. E. Green was not impressed by this F. B. who was 13st. & locked recovery. Grant & Smith Mr. H. R. Williams reported well of grant 160 (Southampton) the winger who was 27 and on offer at £7,000, and Smith who was 29. Mr. Britton added