161 did not do enough to entitle further interest. Spruce & Speed Mr. H. R. Williams reported his further 152 good opinion of these players, but had no recomm- (Wrexham) endation for Bill of Oldham. Manager's Report Mr. Britton reported upon the match v Burnley & the reserves away. He recommended a further week away for the main players, at a time to be settled later. Whilst Hedley, according to Mr. McMurray, was going satisfactorily, McIlhatton was now unfit, with Catterick, Fielding & Wainwright doubtful, from various causes. With his inside knowledge, he was averse to paying £25,000 for Morris of Manchester Utd., the figure required. McIntosh, Blackpool. This player could be got & was willing to come. Full powers were granted. 3rd Lanark. Agreed that we meet this Club on Apl. 30th if not otherwise engaged. Agreed that we donate £25 to The Tommy Handley Memorial Fund. Bullens Rd Land. Decided that further enquiries be made through Mr. Lake about the possibility of obtaining the corner site facing Stanley Cork. W. C. Cuff Further correspondence between F. L. & 161 Daily Xpress, was read. Transfer of Shares Following was approved:- Shares 237, 238 & 1393 from Xix R. S. Crook to J. W. Crook. Next Meeting Tuesday, March 8, 1949, at 4 pm. Confirmed as Correct Cecil S. Baxter Chairman