158 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday, Feby. 22, 1949.] Present :- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair), all other Directors; Manager & Secretary. Minutes of Meeting of 15th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance Receipt was reported from:- Birmingham F. C. Share Gate £365.18.0 Cheques were signed for Postmaster General Telephones £ 81. 5.9 do Franking Machine Credit £ 50. 0.0 Theo. Kelly Wages & Xcs. £500. 0.0 Bank Balance £1453.2.3 Dr. Woodward (Bolton) Mr. E. Green reported that this O. R. was good & experienced. Whilst 31 years of age, he was worth remembering. Galbraith (New Brighton) Mr. W. R. Williams thought this L. B. who was 27 or 28, 5'9" & 11½ st; whilst distinctly left- footed; was good & experienced & worth seeing again. Taylor (W. H. I. L. Res.) Mr. H. R. Williams reported that this player was 27, & was confident & agile. Manager's Report Mr. C. S. Britton reported the views of Mr. T. P. McMurray about Hedley, to date. Also that McIlhatton had an ankle injury. Humphreys had asked to be put on 36 transfer list. This was agreed to, knowing that due provision would be made to ensure no weakening of staff until March 16. Manager gave his views on Folder. Reports were given by those