156 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel, Liverpool, Tuesday, Feby. 15, 1949.] Present :- Dr. C. S. Baxter; all other Directors; Manager & Secy. Minutes of Meeting of 8th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance Receipt was reported of Cheque from L'pool F. C. Share of Gate £528.9.5 Cheques were signed for :- Lancashire C. C. C. (Maj. Howard Testimonial Fund) £5.0.0 Theo. Kelly Wages & Xes. £500.0.0 Bank Balance £1187.14.6 Dr. J. R. Hedley It was noted with regret that this player had had his leg broken at Birmingham, but that the Birmingham Club officials had done all in their power to case the circumstances. Agreed that a suitable letter be sent, remarking & citing individuals assistance, and acknowledging our thanks to all concerned. Davis (S'land) Mr. E. Green stated that he was 154 confirmed in his mind about his 1st report & thought that we ought to get the player. He thought he was better than anyone we had, although he did not get up too well. He was too hasty in 1st time action, but should do us good. O'Hara (Dundalk) Mr. R. E. Searle gave a bad report of this player. Managers Report Mr. Britton reported that Stevenson was much better from the training accident & that Jones (T. G.) was likely to recover from his attack of influenza in time for Saturday's match. Pursuance of Davis, Sunderland,