155 to his jaw, which had meant that Professor Mc- Murray had decreed he should go steady for a fortnight. The only enquiry for McIlhatton was from Queen of the South F.C. 150 Cairns (R. B.) Gateshead would be watched 0 again. He was nicely built, about 5'10" & 11½ st. Keen (L. H.) Gateshead, was 22 or 23, 5'9" & 0 11st. He had good ideas & was worth watching. Juliussen Sec'y reported that there was yet no 152 correspondence or message from Portsmouth F.C. following the recent interview. Directors Away Dr. C. S. Baxter, Messrs J. C. Sharp & H. R. Williams. 139 Transfer of Shares Following was approved :- Shares 688, 689 & 2076 from Xors. B. D. Jones to E. M. A. Salt. Lancs. C.C.C. Decided to donate £5 to the 57 Major Howard Testimonial Fund. Next Meeting Tuesday, Feby. 15, 1949 at 4 p.m. Dr. C. S. Baxter Mr. Green gave expression to the 153 gemime feeling of the Directors, about the fact that the Chairman had now completed 21 years service with the Board. He referred to the unbroken association since 1892, with the Baxter family & in conclusion, presented a radio set to the Doctor & it was noted that a suitable inscription would be provided within a few days time. The Chairman responded, & made it quite clear that he appreciated his position, what it meant; & the feelings of his Colleagues as expressed by Mr. Green. Bill (R. B.) & Tomkinson Mr. W. R. Williams reported well of these O. R. (Oldham) players. Confirmed as correct Cecil S. Baxter Chairman