154 [Meeting held at Xchange Hotel, Liverpool, Tuesday, Feb'y 8, 1949.] Present :- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair), Messrs E. Green, W. R. Williams, F. W. Lake, J. C. Sharp, Major R. A. O. C., H. R. Williams & N. W. Coffey. The Manager & Secretary attended. Minutes of Meeting of 1st inst. were read & confirmed. Finance Receipt was reported of a cheque from Chelsea F.C. for our Share of Gate £1847. 0.1 Cheques were signed for :- Commrs. Inland Revenue P.A.Y.E. £ 417.14.0 Royal Insurance Co. Ltd. Xtra Premiums £ 9. 5.9 Wembley Stadium Cup Final £ 190.10.0 Theo. Kelly Wages & Xes. £ 500. 0.0 Bank Balance £1211.3.11 Dr. W. C. Cuff It was noted that a wreath & letter 100 had been sent suitably. The Chairman & Messrs E. Green & J. C. Sharp expressed their intention to attend the funeral. Davies (S'land) Mr. Green reported that this C. F. 0 had played well. He fancied him & figured him as 26 years, 5'8½" & 12 st. Oscroft (Mansfield) Mr. W. R. Williams gave a definitely 138 negative report about this player. Managers Mr. C. S. Britton stated that he Report was treating with Sunderland F.C. through Mr. W. Murray over Davies & expected to know more after the week-end. Higgins should be alright but Sagar was doubtful, Stevenson had an injury