152 [Meeting held at Xchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday, Feby. 1, 1949] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair) & all Directors:- also Manager & Secretary. Minutes of Meeting of Jan'y 25th were read & confirmed. Finance Cheques were signed for:- C. S. Britton Salary £125.15.4 Everton F.C. P.A.Y.E. on do £ 45.18.0 Theo. Kelly Wages & Xes. £500. 0.0 Bank Balance £2341.0.5 Dr. Sub-Committee Mr. W. R. Williams moved the adoption Meeting of the recommendations made (as appended), & 146 this was approved. Spruce (Wrexham) Mr. W. R. Williams thought this player was 150 about 5'10" & 10½ stone. He was active & a good tackler but not as good as Grant in quality. Speed 5'6 & 10½ st. He did not recommend Speed, but thought 0 he might be kept in view. He appeared to be under 11 stone & not robust. Whilst being a good user of the ball, his enthusiasm was greater than his judgement. Juliussen A. Dr. Baxter detailed the interview 151 with Portsmouth representatives, which had been conducted in a friendly spirit throughout. Mr. Green gave his opinion of the Meeting, which allied with the Secretary's view, appeared to be favorable to our cause. Manager's Report Mr. Britton gave his report of the Chelsea Cup-tie. He stated that Higgins would have to rest for 7 days, but that Lindley & Jones