[Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool,
Tuesday, Jan'y 25, 1949.]
Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair); & all other Directors; Manager
& Secretary.
Minutes of Meeting of 18th inst., were read
& confirmed.
Finance Receipts reported were:-
Gate v Chelsea £4054.19.9
Cheques were signed for:-
Chelsea F.C. Sale of Tickets £ 637. 7.0
do Share Gate £ 550.15.5
Customs & Excise Tax £ 322. 4.1
Football League 1% £ 35.18.3
L'pool City Police Service £ 51.18.6
J. W. Dickinson Nett Salary £ 37.16.4
Theo. Kelly do £ 88. 9.0
P.A.Y.E. a/c on above £ 40. 8.0
Bank Balance £4004.8.5 Cr.
Spruce (Wrexham) Mr. E. Green considered that we should
148 watch the progress of this C. H. who was 23. He
thought that Speed, R. H. who was 5'6" & an active
type, was good in his class.
Report of Match Mr. H. R. Williams reported upon the
Bury Reserves game in which Lewis & Bentham had
played well.
Managers Report Mr. Britton said that Lindley would be
doubtful, but Catterick & Higgins were likely to
be fit. Juliussen had been examined by Mr. McMurray
& the result was detrimental to the chances of the
player being of further use.
McIlhatton had asked to be put
on transfer, which he recommended should be