[Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool,
Tuesday, Jan'y 18, 1949.]
Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair) & all other Directors; Mr.
C. S. Britton & Sec'y.
Minutes of Meeting of 4th inst., were read &
Finance Receipts reported were:-
Gate v M/c City £7690.12.6
Cheques were signed for:-
Customs & Excise Tax £ 2. 6.4
Theo. Kelly Wages & Xes. £ 500. 0.0
Commrs. Inland Revenue P. A. Y. E. £ 395.17.0
Bank Balance £1846.19.9 Cr.
Mr. H. R. Williams This Director reported upon his visits
Report to Fulham, Chester & Crewe. He gave his
views as follows upon the players seen:-
Chapman, (C. F.) Walsall. Not so good as
Walters (L. H. playing at L. B.) Could not give
a considered opinion as player was out of
Spruce (C. H.) Wrexham, 23.5'11". Jones
like in style, & whilst the opposition of
Chester was very poor, he was very good.
Mountford (O. R.) Crewe. 18. 5'9" but
light. He showed every sign of good promise.
Manager's Report Mr. C. S. Britton expressed his pleasure
146 at the show of the Reserve team v Newcastle
& particularly the success of Lello at
left half, & Wainwright.
He detailed the physical position
re Sagar, Higgins, Pinchbeck, Juliussen,