143 Waterhouse of Burscough, he was seeing in a few hours. Lewis seemed likely to be available for some time. Medical reports re Catterick; Greenhalgh, Wainwright; McIlhatton & Pinchbeck were given. Scouting scheme re Amateur Leagues nationally. Special Training. Left in hands of players. Indemnity This granted to H. Halsall in respect of Shares 874, 1889 or 1890. Transfer of Shares Following was approved:- Shares 452-454 from Xors. J. Coffey to N. Gourley. Cup tie Prices of tickets for seats were approved as per Chairman's suggestion (10/- & 5/-) Next Meeting Tuesday, Dec. 21st 1948, at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct Cecil S. Baxter Chairman