140 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday, Dec. 7, 1948.] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair); all other Directors, Manager & Secretary. Minutes of Meeting of Nov. 30, 1948, were read & confirmed. Finance Cheques were signed for:- C. S. Britton Salary £120.14.4 Commissioners Inland Revenue P. A. Y. E do £ 45.19.0 do do (all staff) £490.17.6 Theo. Kelly Wages & Xcs. £700. 0.0 Bank Balance £2341.17.0 Dr. Birmingham Mr. E. Green did not recommend Berry Players O. R., Dougall, C. F. or Bodle I. L. but preferred Stewart I. R. & Roberts O. L. He reported upon the Eire v Switzerland match in Dublin. Quinton (B'ham) Mr. H. R. Williams stated that he 134 felt there was nothing to recommend this L. B. who was 25, 5'9", 11½ stone. Manager's Report Mr. Britton reported his working 134 during the week, as follows:- Catterick had no bones broken, but his ankle in plaster. A. Powell. Enquired of by Birmingham 105 Ivor Powell. On offer at £16,000. Decided to acquire if possible at this price. Englington. Requests noted from Q. P. R, Newcastle & others. Moss, Rochdale. (O. L.) Enquire & get if possible. J. W. Parker. This player to be 0