138 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday, Nov. 30, 1948.] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair), W. C. Gibbins, W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle, C. C., J. C. Sharp, Major, R. A. O. C., N. W. Coffey, Manager & Secy. Absent on Club Business, Messrs E. Green & H. R. Williams. Apology received from Mr. F. W. Lake - ill. Minutes of Meeting of 16th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance Gate v Sunderland £2893.1.9 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise Tax £230.16.3 Football League % £ 25. 5.1 Sunderland F. C. Share Gate £388. 4.4 L'pool City Police Services £ 50. 0.6 J. W. Dickinson Salary £ 41.13.4 Theo. Kelly do £112. 4.0 P. A. Y. E. do £ 12.16.0 Bank Balance £1550.3.8 Dr. Manager's Report Mr. Britton gave his report of results, Oscroft (Mansfield) etc., & stated that he did not fancy player 136 Oscroft whom he had seen play. He was not in the game enough. Reports of Players Mr. E. Green reported that of the Aldershot players, Reynolds (G.) Tall, lithe, active, 19 years, had nothing to prove him. Cropley (L. H.) 23 years, had flashes of 132 class, but not enough to recommend him. Rowland (C. H.) 26, ungainly, better than any other than T. G. Jones that we had. Also that Dunn (Darlington G. ) was better than Payne