127 Directors Away To Aston Villa Res.:- Mr. W. C. Gibbins. 125 To Arsenal, Oct. 23rd:- All with exception of Mr. Green, Who would be at Cardiff. Walton Parish Church An appeal was read for assistance to a Reconstruction Fund, but it was agreed that this could not be rendered, & Sec'y was instructed to explain the circumstances of this decision. Transfers of Shares Following was approved:- Shares 1687 to 1689 from Xise G. F. T. Nicholls to A. M. Nicholls do 1127-1129 & 954-956 & 1960 from W. J. Sawyer to Nora Coffey. Players to follow Mr. E. Green to see Collindridge. Mr. H. R. Williams do Froggatt. Next Meeting Tuesday, Oct. 19, 1948 at 4 pm. Confirmed as correct. Cecil S. Baxter Chairman.