122 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel, L'pool, Sept. 28, 1948.] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair); all other Directors; & Secy. Minutes of Meetings of 21st & 24th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts were gate v P. N. E. £3781.3.6 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise £307.6.11 Football League £ 33.6. 6 Preston North End £506.11.3 L'pool City Police £ 57.12.6 J. W. Dickinson Salary £ 37. 5.4 Theo. Kelly do £ 84.17.0 Comms. Inland Revenue P. A. Y. E. £ 44.11.0 Bank Balance £8119.14.3 Dr. Charity Match These were agreed as per Sub. Committee allocations recommendation. (Details attached.) 26. Manager 120 Agreed that housing accommodation for Mr. C. S. Britton, be obtained, as soon as possible. 40, Clovelly Rd. Noted that our offer of £900 for this property, 121. whilst acceptable, had failed to buy, due to other circumstances. Grainger (Rotherham) Mr. H. R. Williams reported well of this O. R. 0 who was 21; 5'10" & ideally built. Martin (Hearts) Mr. R. McMurray did not recommend 117. this player. He did commend Mason (I. R.) and Mitchell O. L. of Third Lanark. Fitzsimons (Shelbourne) Secy. could not say anything in favour 0 of this I. R. who was 19 yrs. & more raw than many of our present junior staff, altho' well built. Whitworth (Bury) Mr. R. Bentham gave a poor report 0 of this R. H. but re-iterated his good opinion of