
		£25.0.0. and each Director should subscribe
		£1.0.0 to the funds.

Team v Liverpool.	The following team was selected:-
		Sagar, Saunders, Hedley, Bentham, Jones,
		Watson, Powell, Fielding, Dodds, Stevenson & Boyes,
		with Fanell 12th man.

Redpath			Enquiries to be made regarding this
0 (Motherwell)	player's possible transfer.

Browen (Partick TH.)	Enquiries to be made of this players
37		Character and habit.

Players to follow	Mr. W. R. Williams to see Hines C. F. Leicester C.
			Messrs F. W. Lake & N. W. Coffey to see Fleming
			of East Fife.
			Martin (Hearts) to be arranged.

Next Meeting		Tuesday Sept. 21st at 4 p.m.

						Confirmed as correct
							Cecil S. Baxter