
			[Emergency Meeting held at
			Exchange Hotel, L'pool, Sept. 9th 1948]

		Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair) all other Directors Bar
				& asst. Secy.			H. R. Wms.

Secretary		The Chairman reported the inability of
		the Secy. to attend owing to a car mishap.

Dodds			Mr. W. R. Williams reported at talks with
113.		the official of Lincoln City, and a decision
		was deferred until other Clubs had had
		time to consider our circular.

T. G. Jones		This matter was deferred.
Dick (B'pool)		In view of present circumstances no
	110	decision was made.

Team v Chelsea		The following team was selected:-
		Sagar, Hedley, Greenhalgh, Farrell, Jones,
		Grant, Higgins, Powell, Juliuseen, Stevenson
		& Mr. Cormick.

				Confirmed as correct
				    Cecil S. Baxter