114 Clubs, & accept best price offered, with the knowledge that Lincoln City, would pay £4,000. Johnson A. Confirmation given to transfer of player to 100 Chesterfield for £2,250, application to be made to pay him Accrued Share of Benefit on 2nd team basis. Best (Chester) Mr. W. Laine gave very good report of this 84 coloured C. F. Team Manager It was agreed to advertise in the Sporting Chronicle for the services of a Professional Team Manager. Further consideration at next Meeting. Teams v Stoke Sagar, Saunders, Greenhalgh, & Chelsea Farrell, Jones & Grant, Higgins, Powell, Juliussen, Stevenson, McCormick. Directors Away Chelsea:- All excepting Messrs R. E. Searle & F. W. Lake & W. C Gibbins. Stoke:- All excepting Messrs Gibbins & Coffey & Lake. F. L. v Irish League Decided to purchase 100 tickets @ 5/-. Players to follow Mr. H. R. Williams to see Best. Others to be arranged. (Mr. F. W. Lake previously arranged.) Next Meeting Tuesday, Sept. 14th @ 4 pm. Confirmed as correct. C. S. Baxter Chairman.