
			[Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool,
			Tuesday, Sept. 7, 1948]

		Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair), all other Directors & Secy.

			Minutes of Meetings of Aug. 31st & Sept.
		3rd were read & confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Gate v Portsmouth			£3093.3.0
		 do	Birmingham			£3731.5.0
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise	Tax		£540.8.11
		Football League		 %		£ 32.19.8
		Birmingham F. C.	Share		£511.17.8
		L'pool City Police     Services		£ 94. 3.9
		Portsmouth F. C.	re Juliussen	£10,500.0.0
		Commee. Inland Revenue	P. A. Y. E	£386.10.0
			Bank Balance £12,193.17.5 Dr.

Makin			Noted transfer of this player to South
111		Liverpool for £100.

Juliussen 		Confirmation given to signing of
112		this player from Portsmouth for £10,500, & top wages
		to player.

Henderson (Dundalk)	Mr. W. C. Gibbins said that this C. H. was
      112	6'2" & 22 yrs. old. He was 2 footed; a good header
		with fair spied & as good as Lindley.

Hermon (Leicester)	Secy. reported that £13,000 had been
      111	offered for this I. L. No further action was decided,
		as the player had not been seen.

Hughes (L'pool)		Chairman reported his information re this
0		C. H. Decided to enquire as to possibility of transfer.

Martin (Hearts)		Mr. F. W. Lake offered to see this I. F.
0		of whom good reports had been received.

Dodds E.		Decided to circularise certain