								The Everton Football Club Company Ltd.


								For Period 11th May, 1947, to 1st May, 1948.

		  1947.						1st May, 1948	 	   1947.					1st May, 1948.

		  £	 s. d.					  £	 s.  d.		   £	 s.  d.	 				  £	 s.  d.
		14035	 0   0	To Players' Wages .... ....	16637	 0    0		70920	 1    3	By Gate Receipts .... .... ....	103872	 9    3
		  762	10   0	" Players Benefits.... ....	  500	 0    0				" Proceeds of Matches played
		12135	 0   0	" Players' Transfer Fees...	 3241	 5    0		 7303	 0   11	    away .... .... .... .... 	 10362	11    6
				" Medical Fees and Players'				________________				________________
		  493	11   9	     Accident Insurances ....	  608	 2    5		78223	 2    2					114235	 0    9
		 9765	 1   5	" Gate Division to Visitors....	19241	16    4		 2465	 5    6	" Season Tickets .... .... ....	  3178	19    6
		 5376	15   7	" Travelling Expenses .... ....	10298	16    8		  611	15    1	" Sublets and Programme A/c.	   990	18   10
				" Advertising, Billposting,				    7	17    6	" Share Transfer Fees .... ....	     1	15    0
		  931	15   5	    Printing and Stationery....	 1363	18    3
		 2393	17   6	" Gate Expenses, Checkers, etc.	 3488	 0    2
				" Training Expenses and
		 1887	12  10      Trainers' Wages .... ....	 1813	 3    6
				" Ground Expenses and
		 2895	11   2      Groundsmen's Wages   ....	 5224	 7    0
		  166	13   9	" National Insurance .... .....	  173	16    6
				" Rent, Rates, Taxes, Lighting,
				    Water, Telephone and
		 4455	13   0      Insurance .... .... ....	 4044	11    6
		13449	10   3	" Entertainment Tax.... ....	20486	 3    3
				" Office Expenses (including
		 2150	15   6        Salaries) .... .... ....	 2371	16    0
		  179	 8   6	" Bank Commission    .... ....	  150	 0    3
		  593	17   5	" Players' Requisites.... ....	  816	16    1
				" League Percentages, Subscrip-
		  775	 6   4       tions and Contributions ....1442	 2    3
				" Law Costs and Accountancy
		  198	 7   6       Charges .... .... ....	  456	16    8
		  207	 0   0	" Pensions   .... .... ....	  267	10    0
		_______________					________________
		72853	10  11					92626	 0   10
				" Balance to Profit and Loss
		 8454	 9   4	     Account .... .... ....	25780	13    3
		________________				__________________	_________________				__________________
		£81308	 0   3					£118406	14    1		£81308	 0    3					£118406	14    1	
		_______________					___________________	__________________				___________________

							For Period 11th May, 1947, to 1th May, 1948.

		   1947.					1st May, 1948.		    1947.					1st May, 1948.
		  £	 s. d.					 £	 s.  d.		  £	 s.  d.	 				    £	 s.  d.
				To Dividend declared 19th June,						By Surplus as at 10th May, 1947,
				    1947. at 7½% per annum				19933	 6   2       as per Certified Accounts....24615	 13   4
		   80	 0  8       for year, less Income Tax	 80	 6   8		  462	13   9	" Income from Properties      ....  194	 13  10
				" Depreciation written off						" Interest on Investment—
		 2250	 0  0       Stands, etc. .... .... ....2025	 0   0		    1	12   3        Consolidated Loan .... ....	-
				" War Damage Repairs incurred						" Profit on Sale of 4%
		 2199	17  3        during year .... .... ....1694	 7  11		    9	19   5         Consolidated Stock    ....	-
				" Transfer to Reserve for						" War Damage Commissioners
			-	"    Deferred Repairs .... ...10000	 0   0		  283	16   4         payments on Account   ....     34 19   0
				" Transfer to Reserve for						" Amount of Income over
			-	     Taxation .... .... ....  10000	 0   0		 8454	 9   4         Expenditure .... .... ....  25780 13   3
		24615	13  4	" Balance carried forward ... 26826	 4  10
		_____________				      _________________		________________				  ________________
		£29145	17  3				      £50625	19   5		£29145	17   3					  £50625 19   5
		_____________				      ________________		_________________			          ________________