
			[Annual General Meeting held at
			Central Hall, L'pool, Friday, June 4, 1948.]

		Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair); Messrs E. Green, W. C. Gibbins,
			W. R. Williams, R. E. Searle, C. C., F. W. Lake,
			J. C. Sharp, Major R. A. O. C., H. R. Williams, Sec'y.
			& C. S. Shareholders.

			Sec'y. read notice convening the Meeting.

Press	44		Members of the Press were admitted.

Directors Report	Dr. C. S. Baxter gave his report of the
A/cs & Balance Sheet season's working & Mr. G. Bowler having read the
		Auditor's report, the adoption of the Accounts &
		Balance Sheet as read was put to the meeting
		& seconded by Mr. E. Green. This was carried.

Dividend		Mr. W. R. Williams & Mr. R. E. Searle seconded
		that a Dividend of 7½% on the Paid-up Capital
		of the Company, less Income Tax, be paid.

			This was unanimously approved.

Auditors		Mr. D. G. Stephenson supported by Mr.
		R. Thompson, moved the re-election of Messrs
		T. Theo. Rogers Bowler & Co. as Auditors for the
		forthcoming year at a fee of Eighty Guineas.

			This was carried unanimously.

Directors		The Chairman reported that Mr.
		W. C. Cuff having resigned & Mr. W. E. Bradshaw
		having withdrawn his candidature, he had
		now to declare Messrs R. E. Searle & F. W. Lake
		- retiring Directors - with Mr. N. W. Coffey, the
		only other candidate, elected for a period of 3

			These three gentlemen expressed
		their thanks to the Shareholders.