
			Cheques were signed for:-
		L'pool C. F. A.		Share Gate Senior Cup		£417.1.3
		      do		 do Senior Medals		£191.2.3
		L'pool F. C.		 do Senior Cup			£834.2.7
		do City Caterers	Bellefield Dinner		£ 55.8.3
			Bank Balance £13,557.16.1 Cr.

Nominations for		Secy. reported nominations on behalf of
 Directorate	Messrs N. W. Coffey & W. E. Bradshaw.
	 65		It was decided that the Board should
		support the re-election of Messrs R. E. Searle & F. W. Lake
		along with the candidature of Mr. N. W. Coffey.

T. G. Jones		Secy. reported that this player had not
	95	yet resigned, & had informed him that he had an
		offer of a 5 years contract with a Non-League Club
		as player - coach, at £1,000 per annum.

A. Ashley		Reported also that due to F. A. regulations
	0	this player had resigned for Witton Albion for the
		coming season, as the terms offered gave him no alternative.

Bellefield Presentation	Dr. C. S. Baxter & Mr. W. R. Williams
		reported upon the success of this function on the 23rd

Collins (Pollok)	Noted that the correspondence & circ-
92		umstances, surrounding our dealings with the Club
		over this player, had been reported to the F. A.

New Players signed	Confirmation was given to the following
		signings, carried out or contemplated :-
			Gwyn for Lewis, £7 & £5.
			Street, Tansey, Hickson, Rankin & Taylor £3
		all the year round.
			J. Cookson, £7 & £6 full time or £3 all
		year, part time.

Hernon (Leicester)	Messrs H. R. Williams & R. Bentham's reports
62		of this I. L. who was 20, 10/6 & 5'8" were very
		favorable. Also recommended was Griffiths (O. R.).