
			[Meeting held Xchange Hotel L'pool
			Friday, May 7, 1948.]

		Present :- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair); all other Directors
			& Secy.
		Mr. G. H. Bowler also in attendance.

Accounts & Balance Sheet Mr. Bowler presented the accounts & after
	    18	discussion & consideration, it was decided that:-
			1. The amount due from Sundry Debtors be
		valued for the purpose of the Balance Sheet at £12.
			2. Depreciation be written off all Stands,
		Hoardings & Erections amounting to £2,025.
			3. The amount expended on Clothing &
		Stores be written off the Income & Expenditure a/c.
			4. The Statement of Accounts; Profit & Loss a/c
		& Balance Sheet be approved, subject to a satisfactory
		reserve for repairs in hand, being made.
			5. Payment of Dividend at 7½% less
		Income Tax, on the Paid-up Capital of the Company, be made.
			6 A reserve for taxation be made, as
		recommended by Mr. Bowler, subject to the Chairman's approval.

A. G. M			It was agreed that this take place at Central
     15		Hall on Friday, June 4, at 7 pm. & that Messrs T. Theo
		Rogers, Bowler & Co., take charge of the arrangements.

Minutes			Minutes of meeting of Apl. 20, 1948 were
		read & confirmed.

Report of Sub-Comee.	On proposition of Mr. W. R. Williams &
	    78	after discussion regarding the Catering, the report
		was adopted.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Gate v L'pool (L. C. F. A. Cup Final)	£2690.0.9
		Sale 8, Briardale Rd.			£ 919.3.11
		Bolton Wands. F. C.	Share Gate	£ 154.19.0