REPORT OF SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT GOODISON PARK. APRIL, 22, 1948. Present:- Messrs W. R. Williams (Chair); E. Green; F. W. Lake and Sec’y. MUSIC. AGREED THAT WE DISPENSE WITH SERVICES OF Band in future, and that Secretary be empowered to have a record made of the 1938—9 signature tune, for use with the amplifying equipment. BELLEFIELD. Agreed that work should be put in hand for protection of Sandfield Rd. side wall against trespassers, and also that Messrs Edward Woods tender for harrowing at £20, be accepted. OFFICE IMPROVEMENTS. Agreed that the suggestions made to modernise the office furnishing be approved, and also that a new vacuum cleaner be purchased. Also, that an inter—communication system be xplored. CATERING. Application of Liverpool City Caterers for the rights was considered. Their offer for £250, was not considered sufficient, and it was recommended that we ask £375 annually for a 5 years contract. {lodgest} ASHLEY. Secretary reported the latest circumstances re this player, and it was agreed that he attend Northwich on May 3rd., with powers to sign this man. DIRECTORS EXPENSES. Agreed that subsistence allowances be brought into line with those of the Football Association Council members. STAFF. Agreed that W. H. Cooke, and A. Leather be granted an increase of 10/- per week, to £4/l0/— and £4 respectively. Secretary instructed to ascertain the period that E. Storey had been with the Company. (The period is 46 years.) Cecil S. Baxter