94 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday, Apl. 20, 1948] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair); all other Directors & Secy. Minutes of meeting of 13th inst., were read & confirmed. Green, W. V. S. Decided that this player be offered a re- engagement at £7 & £5. Finance Receipts reported were:- Gate v Chelsea £2047.18.6 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise Tax £379.11.0 L'pool City Police Services £ 33.14.3 Shamrock Rovers F. C. Farrell & Eglington £3,000.0.0 Samthorpe Utd. F. C. Pinchbeck £1,000.0.0 North Shields F. C. Hedley £100.0.0 Bank Balance £13,839.10.10 Cr. Aikman Mr. F. W. Lake again reported unfavourably 90 of this C. F. He was nearly 26. But he liked McFarlane, (O. R.) & Laing, (L. H.) both of Hearts. Friedman Mr. H. R. Williams report that this C. F. 90 was 28½ years old was the deciding factor that we should not pursue the player. He was 5' 11" & 11½ st. Wright O. R. Partick Mr. J. Stein gave very good reports re I. R.} Thistle these players. They were young & well-built & McCallum showed plenty of aptitude in their positions. Waddington (Chorley) Mr. L. F. Bryan was not impressed by this I. L. Directors to Ireland Dr. Baxter, Messrs Green, Lake & Sharp. Team v Liverpool Sagar, Saunders, Hedley, Lindley, Jones, & Portsmouth. Farrell, Higgins, Wainwright, Dodds, Stevenson, Eglington were chosen. A. McArdle In view of the time given by this official