93 Mr. H. R. Williams to see Friedman. Others to be arranged. F. A. Cup Final Replay Privately noted that we would be staging this, if necessary. Amateurs Presentation Secy. was empowered to make the Dinner best possible arrangements for this at Bellefield on Friday, Apl. 23rd. Retain & Transfer List Decided that re-engagements be offered as follows:- Bentham, Boyes, Burnett, Catterick, Dodds, Dugdale, Eglington, Farrell, Fielding, Greenhalgh, Humphreys, Jones T. G., Jackson, Lindley, McIlhatton, Sagar, Saunders, Stevenson, Wainwright & Watson at maximum possible wages. Higgins £11 & £9., Grant & Hedley £10 & £8., Lello & Pinchbeck £8/10/- & £7/10/-, Falder £8/10/- & £6/10/- Jones T. E. £7 & £6, Makins £7 & £5., Jones F. A. £5 & £5, Ireland £5 & £3. Dunroe & Griffiths £3 & £3. On Transfer:- Johnson £2,000. Green & Gardner, Free. Next Meeting Tuesday, Apl. 20, at 4 pm. Exchange Hotel. Confirmed as correct Cecil S. Baxter Chairman