No. of Company 36624 THE EVERTON FOOTBALL CLUB COMPANY LIMITED Special Resolution Passed 30th March, 1948. Registered April, 1948. At an EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the Members of the EVERTON FOOTBALL CLUB COMPANY LIMITED, duly convened, and held at The Law Association Rooms 14 Cook Street in the city of Liverpool on the 30th day of March 1948, the following SPECIAL RESOLUTION was duly passed—__ SPECIAL RESOLUTION. ___________________ That the Articles of Association be altered in manner following:— The following Article shall be added as No. 13:— 13. Any person may be appointed a Director of the Company notwithstanding that at the date of such appointment he has attained the age of 70, and no person who is already a Director of the Company shall be subject to retirement by reason only of his having attained or his hereafter attaining the age of 70. Cecil S. Baxter Chairman of Directors.