
					[Extraordinary General Meeting held
					at Law Association Rooms, L'pool
					Tuesday, March 30, 1948.]

		Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair) & 32 Shareholders,
			which included all Directors excepting Messrs Cuff & W. R.
									Williams C.
				Secretary read Notice Convening the

Special Resolution		The purpose of the Meeting, as per
		printed notice attached, was detailed by the
		Chairman & Mr. J. C. Bryson.
				Messrs J. W. Lievesley & C. J. Nay
		asked for informative details. These were given,
		& a Ballot was then taken.
				There were no objections & the
		result was:-
				In favour of Special Resolution 1197
				 Against	   do		NIL.
				The Chairman declared the Resolution
		carried unanimously.

					Confirmed as correct.

				     Cecil S. Baxter

		P.T.O. for attachment duly signed.