
Cameron & others	Secy. thought Cameron well worth following
(Shelbourne)	although he had made no offer for him, in view of his
		match opinion. He thought Beller (L. H.) & McGowan (C. F.)
		had grand possibilities.

Rothwell (Accrington)	Mr. Green reported his actions about
		the possible securing of this player, (due to his
		previous opinion;) & the Staff reports being
		collated; it was agreed that the player
		was not of use at a fee of £5,000.

Martin,(Ransone		Mr. H. R. Pickering completely
& Marles)	turned-down this player, as being of any
		use to us.

Benson (Peterborough)	Mr. L. F. Bryan did not favour this
	80	O. R. after his 2nd viewing. He thought Rawson
		L. H. & Freeman, C. F., of Peterboro, worth a 2nd
		look. The latter was 23/4, 5'11" & 11½ st, & a
		Latvian International.

Team v Sheffield Utd.	Team was approved as follows:-
		Sagar, Saunders, Dugdale, Lindley, Humphreys, Farrell,
		Grant, Fielding, Dodds or Wainwright, Lello, Eglington.

Directors Away.		To Sheffield:- Messrs E. Green & W. R. Williams.
			To Grimsby:- Dr. C. S. Baxter, Messrs E. Green, W. R.
		& H. R. Williams, R. E. Searle & F. W. Lake.

Army F. A.		Agreed that Chairman & Secy. be
	24.	empowered to represent the Club on Apl. 7th in London.

Players to follow	Mr. W. C. Gibbins - Lawrence of Rochdale.
			Mr. H. R. Williams - Aikman of Falkirk.
			Mr. H. R. Pickering - Irish player.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, March 23rd, noon at Goodison.

					Confirmed as correct.

					Cecil S. Baxter
