82 [Meeting held at Xchange Hotel, Liverpool, Tuesday, March 16, 1948.] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair), all other Directors excepting Mr. W. C. Cuff, & Secy. Minutes of Meeting of Mch. 9th, were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Charlton F. C. Share Gate £ 305.13.10 Gate v Arsenal £4977.19. 3. Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise Tax £919.9.3 Arsenal F. C. Share Gate £615.7.4 L'pool City Police Services £ 60.9.6 T. J. Smith & Son Bal. 211-215, Walton Lane £2525.0.0 Phonographic Performances Ltd. License re Records £ 4.16.2 Dundalk F. C. Fee T. J. Clinton £2000.0.0 Bank Balance £12,498.3.5 Cr. Catterick Messrs Green & Secy. reported latest 80 developments of decision to transfer this player. Agreement had been reached with Notts Forest at a figure of £6,000. When player would not go to the Club, Stoke City had shewn interest, along with others. Noted that at the moment, negotiations were at work on that figure, but there was nothing definitely settled. Fulham would not consider a cross-deal with Stevens. Clinton (Dundalk) Confirmation was given to transfer of 80 this player to us at £2,000 fee. Lawrence Mr. W. C. Gibbins could not give an 80 expressed opinion of this player's ability, due to his early injury. He liked what he saw of Best (C. F.) Chester.