80 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool Tuesday, March 9, 1948.] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair), all other Directors & Sec'y. The Chairman was mutually congratulated upon his recovery, & he in returning his thanks, complimented Mr. W. R. Williams upon his successful period as Deputy Chairman. Minutes of Meeting of 2nd inst., were read & confirmed. Finance Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise Tax £ 6.13.2 Haydock C & B. Recs. re various players £25. 0.0 Theo Kelly Xes. & wages £300. 0.0 Commrss. Ireland Revenue P. A. Y. E. a/c £359.16.0 Bank Balance £14,095.19.6 Cr. Ayton (3rds) Mr. R. McMurray gave a non-committee report of this I. F. who was 24. 5'10" 11/12. Irish Players. Clinton R. H. Dundalk 21. 5'10" 11/4. might 62 develop in 12 months. Cameron I. R. Shelbourne 24. 5'11" 11/10. Very good indeed, altho' really a R. H. Henderson O. R. Drumcondra 24. 5'11" 11st. Inconsistent & therefore not recommended. These were the reports of Mr. H. R. Pickering. Lawrence (Rochdale) Mr. R. Bentham recommended for following-up, 79 this O. R. who was 23, 5'8" & 11st. Benson (York) Mr. L. F. Bryan thought this O. R. worth seeing again. He was 5'10" & 10½ st. Catherick Agreed that this player be used for transfer purposes if necessary at the basic price of £10,000.