78 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday, March 2, 1948.] Present:- Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) & all other Directors excepting Dr. C. S. Baxter. Minutes of Meeting of Feb. 24th were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts were reported:- Wolves F. C. Share Gate £ 212.10.8 Gate v Middlesboro £3610. 2.3 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise Tax £660.16.1 Middlesboro F. C. Share Gate £436. 7.8 L'pool City Police Services £ 48. 2.6 Bank Balance £14,422.12.8 Cr. Sub Committee Report of this Committee was approved 57 on a proposition by the Chairman. (Copy attached.) Butter (Shrewsbury) Messrs H. R. Williams & A. McArdle, & L. F. Bryan were 74 not too favorable in their reports of this player. The former recommended Sheen (I. L. or L. H.) Shrewsbury & Barret (C. H.) Bangor City. Collins (Pollok) Secy. reported his confidence that this 33 boy would eventually join us, according to his view of the fathers attitude. The Club, apparently, might except too much financially. Decided to secure the boy when it was possible. Aikman (Falkirk) Secy. & Mr. Pickering gave very good 76 reports of this C. F. & it was noted that he could be got, if he could directed by the ministry of Labour into a post here as a Commercial Art School-master. He was 23, 6' & 11st Orr (Morton.) Mr. R. McMurray gave a poor report of this I. F.