77 that Secy. should probe the possibilities of his service to us. Team v M'brongh Following was chosen:- Sagar, Saunders, Dugdale, Lindley, Jones T. G, Farrell, Grant, Fielden, Dodds, Lello, Eglington. Director to Bolton Mr. E. Green. Owen W. Agreed that this player be transferred to Macclesfield F. C at a fee of £100, such fee to be granted to player as accrued share of benefit. Should the Club re-transfer him in the future, any profitable margin over £100 to be shared between, Macclesfield & Everton F. C's. Players to follow Mr. H. R. Williams to see Butter Other to be seen by Staff. Next Meeting Tuesday, March 2nd at 4 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. R. Williams Chairman