74 [Meeting held at Xchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday, Feby. 17, 1948] Acting Chairman Secy reported the enforced absence of Dr. C. S Baxter. It was agreed that Mr. W. R. Williams be {see below} appointed to act as deputy during the Doctor's absence. Minutes Minutes of Meeting of 10th inst., were (See below C S B & read & confirmed. WCC) Finance Receipts reported were:- Gate v Fulham £8341. 2.6 Fulham F. C. Share Gate £ 947.18.6 Cheques were signed for:- Custom & Excise Tax £2021.14.2 F. A. 5% £ 300. 5.2 F. A. Pool £1901.12.8 Fulham F. C. Share Gate £1980. 0.2 L'pool City Police Services £ 102. 4.6 T. J. Smith & Sons Deposit 211-215 W. Lanc £270.0.0 Bank Balance £13,850.4.7 Cr. Dr. Baxter Secy. was instructed to express the sym- 0 pathy of the Board with the Chairman, & to wish him a speedy return. W. C. Cuff Chairman verbally expressed the regret 0 of his colleagues upon the loss sustained by the death of Mrs. Cuff. Hitchen (N. B.) Messrs Gibbins & Lake gave favorable 72 reports of this player. Corr (P. N. E) Mr. L. F. Bryan was not impressed by this 72 O. R. who was 22, 5' 8", 10½ st. He did like Robertson (L. B.) 23, 5' 8", 11st, & Hannah (I. L) ex- Albion Rovers, 22, 5' 9" & 11 st. Butter (SHREWNBURY) Mr. R. Bentham stated this O. L. to be 72 26, 5'7" & 11 st. He was unimpressive, at his age.