
			[Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool,
			Tuesday, February 10, 1948]

		Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair), all other Directors,
			& Secretary.

			Minutes of meeting of 3rd inst. were read &

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Commissioners Inland Revenue Sch A Refund	£500.17.0
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise	Tax			 £ 2.13.9
		Fulham F. C.		Tickets			£409. 4.6
		Commers Inland Revenue	P. A. Y. E.		£329.12.0
		Theo Kelly		Wages & Xes.		£600. 0.0
			Balance Bank £13,625.4.6 Cr.

Hilchen (N. B.)		Mr. L. F. Bryan gave another very good
	70	report of this C. H.

Mason (3rds)		Mr. R. McMurray stated that this player
	70	was 27, 5' 7" & 10st 12. Whilst impressing in the football
		sense, he lacked punch & was the type of player one
		could have two district opinions about, as to his
		probable value in English football.

Butter (Shrewsbury)	Mr. H. R. Pickering gave a poor report of this O. L.
		who was about 5' 4", 10st & 26 years old. He was one
		who had had a trial with us in 1939.

Corr (P. N. E)		Noted that this ex-Dundalk player had not
	47	played at West Bromwich.

Team v Fulham		Agreed that no change be made unless
		Wainwright was unfit, when Bentham should move to
		inside-right; Farrell to right half & Watson come
		in at left half.

Companies Act.		Mr. J. C. Brysons recommendation was read
	67	& it was agreed that an Extraordinary General