70 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel Liverpool, Tuesday, Feb.3, 1948] Present :- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair), all other Directors excepting Mr. W. C. Cuff & Secy. Mr. Cuff Letter read from Mr. Cuff re the serious state of his wife's health & agreed that Secy. send a suitable letter expressing the Board's regrets. Minutes of meeting of Jan. 27th read & confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were :- Gate v Wolves £8414.9.7 Wolves F. C. Share Gate £1252.16.10 Cheques were signed for :- Customs & Excise Tax £2192.16.5 F. A. 5% £306.7.0 F. A. Pool £1940.4.9 Wolves Share & Xes. £1960.0.9 L'pool City Police Services £99.10.0 Bank £12,348.11.3 Cr. Staff Chairman expressed the thanks of the Board to all members of the staff for the handling of Manchester Utd. v L'pool (74,721) & v Wolves (72,569), when records were broken. Hilchen 66 Mr. W. Laine gave a very good report. Mason (3rd Lanark) Mr. J. Stein gave a good report of this I. R. Dodd's E. This players further request for transfer 59 was refused. Team v Fulham Following players were chosen to travel :- Sagar, Saunders, Dugdale, Hedley, Farrell, Bentham, Humphreys, Watson, Grant, Wainwright, Catterick, Fielding, Eglington, Higgins, Final selection to be made down South.