68 [Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday, Jan. 27, 1948] Present :- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair.), all other Directors, & Secy. Minutes of Meeting of 20th inst., were read & confirmed. Finance Receipt was reported of the gross gate at Goodison Park : Manchester Utd. v L'pool £8713.8.6. Cheques were signed for :- Football Association Pool Share £2166.15.10 Customs & Excise Tax £1952.18.0 Manchester Utd. F. C. Share Gate £1807.17.10 Liverpool F. C. do £1832.12.10 L'pool City Police Services £103.1.6 J. W. Dickinson Salary £35.4.4 Theo. Kelly do. £85.4.0 Income Tax a/c P. A. Y. E. £46.5.0 Bank Balance £11,014.12.4 Cr. Reports of Matches Reports were given of Wolverhampton W. 1-1, & Sheffield Wed'y. Res. 0-3. Team v Wolves It was agreed that the team be chosen from :- Sagar, Sanders, Dugdale, Bentham, Humphreys, Farrell, Watson, Grant, Wainwright, Catterick, Fielding, Eglington. Cup Draw Noted that we would have to play v Fulham away if we won the match with Wolves. Decided that the Oatlands park Hotel, Weybridge, should be the Headquarters if we had to Journey south. Directors Baxter, Green, W. R. Williams, Lake, Searle & H. R. Williams, Expressed their