62 [Meeting held at Xchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday, Jany. 6, 1948] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair), all Directors & Secy. Minutes of Meeting of Dec. 30th, were read & confirmed. Finance Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise Tax £15.4.3 L. N. E. Rly. Co. Coach Hire £9.10.0 Theo. Kelly Wages & Xes. £550.0.0 Bank Balance £18,646.6.11. Cr. Hitchin (N. B.) Mr. E. Green gave a very good report of this C. H. B who was apparently 21 years old & 5' 11". Burry & Cardiff Mr. H. R. Williams was not impressed by Sherwood but gave a good report of Kilshaw. Hall Players Mr. J. Bryan thought thought Hassall was only 60 moderate. He did fancy Reagan O. R. & Harrison O. L. The former was 24, 5' 9" & 11st. The latter was 23, 5' 8" & 10½st. Irish Players Mr. H. R. Ciskerin, reported on six players seen. His strong recommendation was for Wm. Campbell, 18, 5' 10", 11st, - the C. F. of Shamrocks Rovers. Downing had had a very bad game. Stevens (Fulham) 60 Mr. A. Leadbetter gave very good reports & Harmon (Leicester) of these forwards. Team v Grimsby Following was approved:- Sagar, Saunders, Dugdale, Farrell, Humphreys, Watson, Grant, Wainwright, Dodds, Fielding, Eglington. Dugdale Agreed that this player should be given maximum wages. Shareholders Assocn. Letter read from Mr. Balmforth 51 agreed that Mr. F. W. Lake should treat