
			[Meeting held Xchange Hotel, L'pool,
			Tuesday, November 25, 1947]

		Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair), Messrs W. C. Gibbins, W. R. Williams,
			  R. E. Searle, C. C., F. W. Lake, J. C. Sharp, Major R. A. O. C, H. R.
			  Williams & Sec'y.

			Minutes of Meeting of 18th inst., were read &

Finance			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise	Tax			£  4.8.2
		J. R. Thomson	      Salary			£ 42.9.4
		J. W. Dickinson		do			£ 35.4.4
		Theo. Kelly		do			£ 85.3.0
		Commrs. Inland Revenue	P.A.Y.E. on above	£ 58.0.0
		Theo. Kelly	     Wages & Xes.		£500.0.0
			Bank Balance £14,189.12.1 Cr.

Brierley (Oldham)	Mr. W. C. Gibbins & R. E. Searle having reported
	0	favourably of this player on what they saw of him. Sec'y
		reported of his journey to Bradford, which was spoiled.
			Mr. R. Bentham thought him to be 24 years,
		5'10" & 11 st. He had seen him at L. H., I. & O. L. In
		his opinion he was a letter inside than outside forward,
		& not to be compared to Woodhead.

McWilliam (Macclesfield) Messrs Gibbins & Searle were not
	0	enamoured of this C. H. but had praise for Davies, (R. H.).
			Decided to offer a trial to this player if
		his club had no objection.

Burton (Cork)		Sec'y reported that owing to the ? doubts
or	0	surrounding this man's return to this country, he had
Bourke		not made the journey to Cork, as arranged. The Club's
		price for the player was £5000.

Woodhead (S. Wed'y)	Mr. H. R. Williams gave a very good report
	50	of this O. L. Noted that the Club would not consider
		parting with this player. Also it was recorded that