50 this Club's match v Runcorn on 29th inst. with full powers to act. Garrett (Blackpool) Sec'y reported that this man was not 49 for transfer. Woodhead & Marriott Mr. R. Bentham gave very good reports (Shef. Wed'y) on these wingers. The former, an outside left, was 19, 5'10" & 11½ st. The latter who we had previous reports on, was 20. Irish Players Following were reported & action as detailed 45 taken:- Jas. McEvoy (W. H.) Dundalk. Available for transfer. Aged 20. 5'7" 10/5. Apprentice Engineer (Sec'y to pursue.) Clarke (R. B.) Shamrock Rovers. Hull City had now made offer. (Decided no interest.) Bourke (C. H.) Cork Utd. Aged 27 or 28. Available for transfer. (Sec'y to proceed to Cork with powers to obtain if satisfactory). Hall players Decided that we offer £5,000 all told 45 for players Berry & Hassett. T. G. Jones Enquiries were reported from Sheffield & 48 Notts Clubs, Chelsea, Wolverhampton, Derby County, Cardiff, Bolton Wanderers & others, With a concrete offer from Grimsby Town of £12,000. Decided that negotiations be opened with Clubs who might have a good player in part exchange & that further information be dealt with at next meeting. J. R. Thomson Agreed that this official be released on 48 Novr. 30th to take over his new duties as Manager of Manchester City F.C. Team v M/c Utd. Following was approved:- Sagar, Saunders, Dugdale, Farrell, Humphreys or Jones, Watson, Johnson, Wainwright, Dodds, Fielding, Eglington. Directors to M/c Dr. C. S. Baxter, Messrs W. C. Gibbins, R. E. Searle, J. C. Sharp.