
		Sagar, Saunders, Dugdale, Farrell, Humphreys, Watson,
		Wainwright, Stevenson, Dodds, Fielding, Eglington.

J. R. Thomson		This official attended & the Chairman
	44	expressed the Board's unanimous wish of goodwill
		towards him in his consideration by Manchester City F.C.
		for the managerial vacancy.

T. G. Jones		Sec'y reported that he had done as
	46	instructed & in carrying out our word to certain
		Clubs to notify them that the player was to be obtained.

			It was agreed that the Press be now
		notified that the player was for transfer.

N. A. Non-League Clubs	Agreed that we should not prepare a
	46	proposal for the F.L. A. G. M. on this matter.

Players to follow	Mr. W. C. Gibbins to see Massart & Lishman
			Mr. H. R. Williams   do		Reid
			Mr. F. W. Lake	     do		McCormick
			Sec'y		     do		Pinchbeck

Bolton Disaster Fund	Sec'y to satisfy Bolton Wanderers F.C.
		that we had carried out our promise to help them. If
		necessary, a letter to go to the Football League, asking
		for confirmation of our action of 18 months ago.

Next Meeting		Tuesday, Nov. 18 at 4 p.m.

						Confirmed as correct
						Cecil S. Baxter