HOBY ON SPORT Here's The News Behind The Scenes In Sport by "People" Columnist Alan Hoby Soccer Stars ONE thing about football— Bullied By YOU can’t “fix” a League Directors game like you can some fights. Just the same, there is plenty that has a nasty smell even in Soccer. own first team—although his Have you ever asked your- country think him good enough selves, for example, who are to play for them! the directors of your local foot- It is a scandalous situation, ball club, or what qualifica- and it all began two years ago, tions they possess—if any—for when the player In question— the complex, highly specialised he happened to be stationed job of running a modern near by at the time — turned professional side? out for his club in a local Cup If not, it is time you did. game. There are two types of director. Unfortunately for him, after The rare sort with brains as scoring a brilliant goal, he well as a bank balance. And badly injured his ankle trying that ever-growing horde of to stop the equaliser. He had board-room buffoons who don't to quit. There was no other know a footballer from a floor- choice. His ankle was swelling walker. like a balloon. I have nothing but admira- Yet, although he was in great tion for business men like the pain and scarcely able to Gliksten Brothers of Charlton, hobble, one of his directors, who made silver-haired, cigar- with a club official, followed champing Jimmy Seed sole him down to the dressing-rooms team boss, and gave him a free and tried to order him to rein—with startling results. return to the field. The back-room boys of The player refused. "It Burnley and Arsenal also fall would have ruined his career," into this Grade A category. his friend said. "Besides, he Both Cliff Britton and Tom was an ambulance case." Yet, Whittaker are allowed to get on so nettled were the club officials with the job in their own way. over the incident that this But the old-time "boss" footballer, who had given them manager is a dying breed. To- splendid loyalty and service, day we have this puerile, puny was left to get back to his unit race of upstart directors in club alone—as best he could . . . control. A well-known ex-foot- baller summed up the situation * neatly and bitterly: BUT this is not the end. Since "Football is then various fables have being run by been "cooked up" about this people who star. He is "temperamental." know more He is not a good "club man." about brick- He only plays when he feels laying or the like it. And so on. coal business One director has even been —men who overheard to declare that he are in the wouldn't play him in the third game for the team! notoriety and But his own country doesn't personal kudos think he's a third-team man. it brings They picked him for their them." national side the night before How right he was dropped by his own he is. These club! puffed - up This same club, incidentally, petty dictators not so long ago, tried to play invariably look a very famous wing-half at for "yes - outside-right—the week after men" stooge he had captained England! managers. Seed has his own The international refused point- with this type way. blank. It is the lick- Today, this same half-back spittle footballer who invariably skippers one of the most prospers. The rest they regard famous sides in the country. as just so many "bales of It's not only petty. It's utterly merchandise." preposterous. The trouble with this type of * director is that he will poke his nose into matters that don't TAKE the case of a famous concern him. He refuses to international footballer— recognise that the successful you would know his name as running of a football club is well as those of your own primarily the job of a paid wives—who, in a friend's words, team manager—preferably an is being "deliberately hounded experienced, intelligent ex- out of football." player who knows the technical I bring this case to your side of soccer from every angle. attention because, in his par- Not all directors—as I have ticular position, this man is the pointed out—are by any means greatest player in the world. stupid. Many of them are in his position. Yet he often excellent business men. But can't command a place in his their sole concern, surely, is with the financial side of foot- ball?