33 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel L'pool, Tuesday, Sept. 23, 1947] Present:- Dr. C. S. Baxter (Chair), Messrs E. Green, W. C. Gibbins, W. R. Williams, F. W. Lake, J. C. Sharp, H. R. Williams & Sec'y. Minutes of Meetings of 16th & 17th inst., were read & confirmed. Team v L'pool The suggested team as follows was approved:- Sagar, Saunders, Greenhalgh, Watson, Jones T. G., Farrell, Fielding, Wainwright, Catterick, Stevenson & Eglington. T. G. Jones The player attended & stated his 32 reasons for his request to be put on transfer. Chairman re-iterated our intention to retain his services. Finance Receipts reported were:- Aston Villa F.C. Share Gate £ 262. 6.7 Gate v Aston Villa £2522. 0.3 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise Tax £ 481.16.2 Postmaster General Phones £ 109.15.6 Tyson's (Contractors) Ltd. £1500. 0.0 Theo Kelly Wages & Xes. £ 500. 0.0 Bank Balance £8233.6.4 Cr. Freeman (Notts. C.) Messrs F. W. Lake & H. R. Williams could not give 30 a good report of this player's latest display. Decided he be seen again. Collins (Pollok) Noted that for a figure of £250, we were 31 likely to obtain this player's services. Berry & Hassell Mr. W. Laine reported that the former had 30 played R. H. Neither man was outstanding, but still had played well. Dick (B'pool) Mr. E. Dodds did not recommend this man's play, but gave him a good character.