32 [Emergency held at Goodison Park, L'pool, Wednesday, Sept. 17, 1947.] Present as on Tuesday, Sept. 16. Team v Chelsea The following as suggested were approved:- Sagar, Hedley, Greenhalgh or Saunders, Bentham, Humphreys, Farrell, McIlhatton, Wainwright, Catterick, Fielding, Eglington. Medal Mr. T. Jackson of Birkenhead, having presented an old award of 1884, it was agreed that he be suitably thanked, & that this souvenir should be included in our permanent library for display. T. G. Jones This player, through the Sec'y, re-iterated 31 his desire to be put on transfer, but it was unanimous- ly settled that he was wanted here. His wish to meet the Board was agreeable, provided that he sent in a written application. Lancashire F.A. Decided that we entertain this 32 Council on October 8 when we play Bolton Wanderers in our Lancashire Cup-tie. Confirmed as correct Cecil S. Baxter Chairman.